Monday, July 21, 2014

8 Lessons

Hey it's been a while! I have had a crazy busy summer. Though I have been out of school, there has been no shortage of lessons that the Lord has taught me. So here are...

8 Things I've learned recently
~and the cause of my enlightenment

1. Getting into college isn't hard. It's paying for it.
~ huge thanks to SAT prep for informing me of this!

2. Retail therapy is real.
~ I am seventeen, a lot makes emotional and there is something about buying new Uggs that makes everything better.

3. Most (I'm thinking 90%) of females on this planet can not be trusted.
~ I am surrounded by high school girls... nuff said.

4. Americans are rude.
~ I work at Chick-fil-a! A simple "please" and "thank you" go a long way.

5. Sisters know you best.
~ I spend hours talking on my sister's bed about my mellow dramatic life.

6. What's "normal" isn't always what's right.
~  Every one around me has a boy friend. I do not.

7. Long distance sucks.
~ My sister moved to Florida. That's really far from Maryland!

8. It's not label on a dress that makes a girl attractive.
~ I have a gorgeous friend who always looks like a million buck without spend a fortune.